Meet The Sparrows

-Birdie Sparrow

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Birdie’s life is officially perfect. It seems like it’s straight out of a magazine, in fact. She has a loving husband, two angelic twin daughters, a perfect home and 2 adorable dogs. Oh, and she’s expecting her 3rd baby soon!

-Ginovan Sparrow


Ginovan has seen the world! He’s obsessed with all things supernatural and is a bit older than Birdie. He met years ago when he lived down the hall from her in an apartment. (You can see more of that here)

-The Twins

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Birdie has two little toddler twins, Starling with the pigtails, and Wren with the bow. Starling is a bit clingy and hangs around her parents, and Wren tends to be as sweet as pie.

-The Dogs


Shortly after Birdie and Ginovan married, they adopted some dogs. First they adopted Petal, a small white maltese for Birdie to dress up, then a couple years later, Sadie, who’s Ginovan’s right hand doggie.

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