Other Bring Me To Life Challenge Stories

My Darling is a BMTL challenge, made by Queenie08 on the sims 3 official site. Here is the page to find other great stories with the same theme!

note: If you are participating in this challenge and would like me to link your story, I’d be happy to do so! In return, please show some love by providing a link to  My Darling as well, it would be much appreciated 🙂 For those of you on the list, please check the spelling and link to your story to make sure its correct, and let me know if you’d prefer a different link, thanks!

4 thoughts on “Other Bring Me To Life Challenge Stories

  1. I didn’t know where to leave this question, I’m going to start my own BMTL challenge and I set the lifespan to long but I was wondering what you did with the seasons? Did you max those out too?


    • Oh hello! First of all, that’s so exciting! If you write a story about it, I’d love to read! Also, there are no rules for seasons. As for me, I left them the way they are by default, and it works just fine for me 🙂


      • Ok thanks 🙂 the settings the guidelines had for the lifespan seemed really long to me but I guess that’s why it’s a challenge. I’m going to die in the baby stage XD 12 days what will I do?!


      • Hahaha I know, I know. It’s actually worth it in the end because you actually become so attached to the sim in ways that other legacies just don’t provide. As for babies, just tough it out!


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